Have you ever admired a room on a home improvement show or while scrolling Pinterest and thought that's the look I want to achieve in my home? If you prefer cozy minimalism in your home, start in one room. You can make simple changes to achieve the result you are searching for. Choose a room, any room to begin your quest for cozy minimalism.
You might choose your living room to begin. Most of us spend a fair amount of time in our living rooms. We usually spend time there in the morning as we prepare for our day and we may end up there again in the evening as the day winds to a close. In order for this to become a favorite place, it has to be appealing to our eye and our mind. Real contentment can come when what we see is congruent with what we are thinking.
Seasons and Cozy Minimalism
You may have to consider the simple beauty of each season as you design your cozy minimalist home. In the winter, a purposeful design decision I make has to do with colorful throws and pillows I place around my home. These accent pieces can make all the difference. It is very cozy to wrap up in a throw and feel the warmth of the woodstove on a cold winter evening in my home.
Practical know-how is important as you design your space. Will your space be perfect? Probably not. You may have to become a content imperfectionist in order to get the most joy from your home. We live in an imperfect world and our home is often reflective of that. Whether it is your first home or your fifth home practical advice can come in handy as you determine what appeals to you the most.
Style and Cozy Minimalism
Consider the style that appeals the most to you. Do you prefer a modern style in your home? If modern is your preference for style decisions then don't copy someone's farmhouse style. The ultimate goal is to achieve a feeling of cozy minimalism. You want to ensure your home is a place of refuge and calm for you. Start with the end goal in mind. If you are busy, less clutter may be especially important for you. If your mind prefers clean sight lines, then keep containers or baskets around to hold items rather than just leaving them out in plain sight.
Remember the latest trends may be a good choice for you or they may not. Simple principles of design may be more appealing to you. It can be hard to strike the right balance between comfort and beauty. You do not want an empty house however you also do not want an over-cluttered home. Practical guidance can be found all around us as we try to achieve a cozy minimalist home. Do not just be a stuff manager, ensure the stuff you are managing in your home is the right stuff.
Be Intentional
In order for your home to become a place of peace, you have to be very intentional. Minimalism results from a focused effort to declutter and recreate the space around you in the right way. Consider natural light and the way it can transform a room. Consider paint colors and how different colors calm us, make us feel more energetic, or seem overwhelming.
Simple steps can begin the process. If you have too much stuff, consider a clutter detox. Keep the things that make you happy or are useful to you. Consider getting rid of things that do not serve you in this way. Turn your least favorite room into one you enjoy daily. Welcome home!
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